Our Yangsan Apartment!, a set on Flickr.
Finally, we get to share our living space with you guys! The basics: TV, AC, a refrigerator, microwave, bed, range, toaster (EDITOR'S NOTE: our contract stipulates that either a toaster or a rice cooker will be provided and somehow through initial conversations with Alyssa, her co-teacher decided that we would prefer a toaster. We were told they bought the most expensive toaster at the store though!), Internet, table and chairs, washing machine, vacuum cleaner and some cabinets. No, we don't get a dryer because those never seemed to catch on in South Korea so instead we use a big drying rack. We have since added a wireless router, water heater, a rice cooker and a couple of our own decorations. It is a really clean, nice place with a kitchenette in the entry way and a bathroom that doubles as a shower!
The apartment complex is literally 2 blocks from a subway station; Namyangsan (South Yangsan) is the 2nd to last stop of the Busan Subway Line 2. Within a few block radius, there are probably more than 100 restaurants and if you increase the radius to a 10-15 minute walk, that number increases rapidly. Instead of keys, the front door of the apartment building is opened with a key code as is the door to our studio, #206.
Enjoy the pictures of our apartment!
The only thing better than a once-in-a-lifetime adventure is having someone to share it with. Keep the blogs coming, A+B.